Optimal Health Secrets

Pain Relief Strategies 

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Who We Are

Last Updated August 7, 2013.

We give science-based lifestyle health instruction/advice, based on evidence from  Dr. Ouellette's Wellness Web Assessment, the Canadian Holistic Online Consultation.

Just like in the doctor's office, in the beginning there is the consultation. We use Dr. Ouellette's Wellness Web Assessment, the Canadian Holistic Online Consultation, as our guide.

Science Based Holistic Health Care

New Health Care Service Industry Designed with you in Mind

We are a new health care service industry offering Dr. Ouellette's Wellness Web Assessment, the Canadian Holistic Online Consultation, self-help instruction, and providing one-on-one help to people in need.

Our two niches are natural pain relief and optimal health wellness. We use the pain relief lifestyle protocols that include the Pain Relief Diet, for the natural pain relief module and Dr. Ouellette's Wellness Web Assessment, Consultation Report of Findings recommendations for the optimal health module.


We are born into a world of pain. There is the good, the bad, and the ugly. We struggle through life vacillating between the three until we vacillate not longer. Our hunger for a better life leads us far afield, sometimes to a new philosophy, sometimes to a new country. The Pain Relief Lifestyle is the end place of a search that so many seek, sometimes in vain. The quest for optimal health leads us inevitably to the two core essences of being alive. We move and we eat. We think better than any other animal as well.

Dr. Ouellette
Dr. Ouellette has been a chiropractic clinician since 1973. Postgraduate studies in acupuncture, biology, nutrition, and sports injuries positioned him to make certain observations with regard to pain. His multi faceted background lead to a series of tools to evaluate and treat people in pain and people looking for optimal health. Some three and a half decades in the clinical field helped Dr. Ouellette draft certain principles. Science corroborates these principles and reinforces the approach for a pain relief lifestyle. We cannot stop the aging process, (yet), but we can help out a lot when people are in need, particularly when they are in crisis and need fast relief, faster than medical textbooks say we should heal. We are dedicated to teaching optimal health secrets and the pain relief lifestyle.

Contact us through our Contact Us page for a free consultation even if you have chronic pain and have experienced many types of varied treatments.

We are masters at movement. Masters not only of moving ourselves, but also masters of moving other things. We are the master mass movers in this world. Some of us learn the secrets of movement early, others spend more time grasping the secrets that are not so apparent, but very profound. Still, others spend even more time incorporating the secrets into permanent lifestyle behaviours. You will note that one of the secrets to moving mass is to work as a team. We would be happy to be part of your team. If you are short on time then contact us today and get on the roadway to optimal health and wellness right away.

We eat to live, or we live to eat. Either way there are secrets to be learned. Not only is food tied to pain, food is tied to optimal health as well. We at OptimalHealthSecrets.com, are here as an organisation that has discovered some secrets and we want to share them with you. You can learn, you can improve, you can change. You just need help. We are that help.

The Looking Glass
You have only to look at yourself and decide. You have only to make the decision to bring good luck to your side. As humans we are composed of decisions, attitude and chance. We bring chance to ourselves based on our decisions and our attitude. Everybody can make the right decisions. Everybody can learn an attitude. Everybody can bring themselves good luck. Start now. Start today. Contact us and send us a message telling us what you need. We will direct you from there. Initial contact is free and there are no obligations on your part.

Our vision is to see you healthy, happy and pain free. Our method is to test your present lifestyle against a comprehensive template built from science that virtually every doctor uses in some part. We offer ample Self-Help, Do-It-Yourself recommendations. We then present ourselves ready and available to help you one-on-one if you need personal counselling care. That is what Dr. Ouellette's Wellness Workshops are for.

Our Niche
Our Niche is Natural Pain Relief and Optimal Health Secrets.

Our Focus
Our focus is on Active-Self-Help

Our Mission
Our mission is to help you help yourself stay healthy, happy, pain free, and alive until science finds a solution to aging, degeneration, and senility.

Our Goal Implications to You
By learning optimal health secrets and the pain relief lifestyle, including the Pain Relief Diet, you will obtain the tools to help yourself. By partnering with us you will obtain the help you need to help yourself gain a better, longer, more healthy life. Take the first step today on the roadway to optimal health and wellness by getting your lifestyle measured with Dr. Ouellette's Wellness Web Assessment, the Canadian Holistic Online Consultation at www.TheQ.ca.

How it All Began
Dr. Ouellette entered the pain management field as a chiropractor in 1973 with a background understanding that food had a profound effect on health. In 1984 Dr. Ouellette made the decision to begin a process of training in acupuncture, nutrition and sports injuries. In 1985 he began the second study to obtain a university Master of Science degree in biology. This was a nutrition course targeted at medical doctors in the US and brought to Canada by Bridgeport University, offered out of the Toronto General Hospital. Nearing the end of this course Dr. Ouellette began a third course, a three-year course on athletic injuries by the Royal College of Chiropractic Sports Sciences (Canada). During these three programs Dr. Ouellette began formulating the principles and protocols of the Pain Relief Diet, the Pain Relief Lifestyle and the Five Pillars of Optimal Health Secrets. He began recording what he now calls Dr. Ouellette's Pain Relief Diet.

As it turned out, Dr. Ouellette's Pain Relief Diet was and still is a very healthy diet, being a low Calorie, lower fat, and low red meat diet. Optimal health became the goal with pain relief being a part of this overall umbrella. There were many secrets, many techniques. Clinical tools were necessary to measure various aspects. Dr. Ouellette began creating questionnaire tools and testing them in his practice. In 1998 he began combining them into a larger, more comprehensive questionnaire that would cover most all aspects of optimal health that was not medically oriented to drugs and surgery. Dr. Ouellette began to build the principles, protocols, and factors that were pertinent to optimal health by scouring the scientific literature for information that was applicable to optimal health and pain relief. As Dr. Ouellette had a long background in nutrition and personal experience with food born problems, he was already strategically placed to investigate the food pain connection. Science has since corroborated most all of the protocols Dr. Ouellette initiated.

Concluding that five pillars were necessary to address the issue of optimal health in a thorough comprehensive fashion, Dr. Ouellette began building questionnaire tools from information gleaned from scientific research papers. Spinal health was an obvious choice for a pillar as most everyone experiences some form of spinal pain in their lifetime and huge sums of money are spent on the treatment of back and neck pain disorders. Nutrition and exercise were also obvious choices as mounting research showed the value of considering these two pillars very carefully.

Dr. Ouellette came upon the idea of a Pain Relief Diet through many years of long struggle in the nutrition field weighing conflicting research in an up and down yo-yo effect as one or another theory gained both scientific and media attention at varying times. It became clear the food and nutrition industries were struggling to make their products assimilated by the largest possible population base. Several concepts became apparent, several secrets emerged. Dr. Ouellette's Pain Relief Diet took shape.

Next came testing on patients to determine if this type of a diet really was a powerful as it seemed. Dr. Ouellette's in house research indicated that there was something to this food pain connection. A brief manuscript was written that was called the Secret Diet for Pain Relief and printed up for handing out at public talks. This was quickly turned into a fairly large pre draft manuscript as there was a lot of data on this topic. Information was paired down to the book Dr. Ouellette's Pain Relief Diet Manual published in May 2002 with just the important essentials included.

It became clear that this diet was difficult for some people, but the rewards were very great. Some of the new concepts had to modify the traditional advice given to people who were NOT in pain. Pain changes things. Pain requires particular attention to specific items. Given the incomplete science, and the conflicting science that abounds in this field, Dr. Ouellette took a specific approach for people in pain. When in doubt, leave it out. That is to say, when he, as the clinician is in doubt, then leave it out of the diet. This approach works quite well in crisis clinical situations.

As people heal, things change. Many people were cheating on the diet and asking for help. Dr. Ouellette wrote the second book Cheating on the Pain Relief Diet published in 2006 as a helping tool for people who could not stick strictly to the diet plan.

There still remained a need to measure people, not just for Dr. Ouellette's Pain Relief Diet, but for optimal health protocols as well because optimal health and pain relief are tied together. Dr. Ouellette began building a comprehensive lifestyle questionnaire that would measure optimal health, the Pain Relief Lifestyle and the Pain Relief Diet. This questionnaire was begun long before the books were written and was first built as a paper model, then as a computer model and finally as a web model now residing at www.TheQ.ca. The decision to be thorough and comprehensive instead of short and convenient was made as a tactical business decision from a clinical perspective. People need help, but first the clinician needs information.

The questionnaire at TheQ.ca should be looked at as a comprehensive Canadian Holistic Online Consultation. The questions are the kinds of questions one would be asked in a consultation work-up. Different medical specialists might ask different consultation questions based on their particular specialty. Dr. Ouellette's Wellness Web Assessment, Canadian Holistic Online Consultation asks questions that many different specialists would want to know about. It is long, but it is thorough. These questions together form a picture about the client that is used to advise the client on where to start and where to go next.

It is apparent that a new culture can be fashioned around optimal health, the Pain Relief Lifestyle and the Pain Relief Diet. We are in the process of fashioning that culture now.

We are building a web network of sites dedicated to various aspects of optimal health and natural pain relief. You can see our links on our Resources Web Sites and Links page.

Both governments and individuals stand to gain by a culture of optimal health and a pain relief lifestyle. We are on the roadway now. Come join us.



Dr. Victor Jean Ouellette, DC, MS



Dr. Ouellette

 Dr. Ouellette's Anti-Inflammatory Pain Relief Diet


 Cheating on Dr. Ouellette's Anti-Inflammatory Pain Relief Diet


 Pain Relief Diet

Real world relief that you can unleash. The non-drug, non-artificial method of the FoodPain Connection. Learn the secrets.