The Core Essential Optimal Health Secret
By Dr. Victor Jean Ouellette, DC, MS, DNM, RNP, Cert.
July 19, 2010, Updated August 7, 2013
Is there a core essential optimal health secret, a single best-kept secret so to speak?
If there is one secret that might be considered the best in the holistic health
field, then here it is. In order to help you efficiently and effectively with whatever your health problem
is, we need to know where you are at right now in your life, in your lifestyle.
However, the secret that is more important to the clinician is
"WHY" you are where you are at. If we fail to ask the "Why", then we struggle with various
treatment protocols, all designed to gain a particular result using either evidence-based-medicine or
medicine-based-evidence. Either way, we still struggle.
To get to the "why", we must measure "where" you are at and we
must integrate several different things, usually lifestyle behaviours. This measurement is done with Dr.
Ouellette's Wellness Knowledge Calculator, the Canadian Holistic Online Consultation. This questionnaire gets
to the "where" in a way that allows those with the inner knowledge of the secrets in this online consultation,
to discern the "why". Lets give a for-instance to help make this more clear.
With regard to weight, a person can be either normal weight, underweight, or
overweight. Assessing "where" a client is on that scale gives us some important information. It tells us the
weight. Knowing "why" this client is there, allows us the secret that unlocks successful
treatments. All that remains is getting the cooperation of the client. Sometimes that cooperation is quite
difficult, sometimes it's not so difficult.
For instance, is the client underweight because they eat too little, or are they
underweight because they exercise too much? Or, is there an underlying cause not related to those behaviours? That
last option is the one most people like to claim for one reason or another, usually the other.
Likewise, if a client is overweight, are they overweight because they eat to much,
or are they overweight because they exercise too little? Or, is there an underlying cause not related to those
It is up to the health care system to diagnose those "other underlying causes".
Practitioners with a licence to diagnose are there for that purpose. Dr. Ouellette's Wellness Knowledge Calculator,
the Canadian Holistic Online Consultation, does not diagnose, but allows a clinician "in the know" to decide on the
"whys" because it has been designed to integrate several things that help get to the "whys". When the "whys" are
understood then an effective, efficient remedy can be devised and active Self-Help care
Figuring out the "whys" does take some special sleuthing skills, but a client does
not need those skills to get on the roadway to optimal health and Wellness. All they need to do is accomplish their
Action Plan items that are delivered in Dr. Ouellette's Wellness RISK Management Workshops. Then they need to get retested in three months so
progress can be assessed. Some people are able to give themselves Self-Help on
their own, but many people need extra help. We are here for that help.