Optimal Health Secrets

Pain Relief Strategies 

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Business Policy

We do have a business culture and we ask that you please respect our business culture. We are a global community and as such we maintain global standards.

We are interested in people globally who have a need to learn about natural pain relief and optimal health secrets. We believe in allowing all people of the world to choose their culture affiliations, political affiliations, religious affiliations, and sexual affiliations.

We believe in eliminating all discrimination from our business contacts. We screen out communications that indicate, even in a cursory way, any cultural, political, religious or sexual ideology in any correspondence to us.

If you wish to do business with us on a business-to-business level, then you must have a legitimate web site and a legitimate email address to that web site that can be traced. All business contact communications from global email addresses (gmail, hotmail, yahoo etc.) will be destroyed with no further contact.

Our Niche
Our Niche is Natural Pain Relief and Optimal Health Secrets.

Our Focus
Our focus is on Active-Self-Help

Our Mission
Our mission is to help you help yourself stay healthy, happy, pain free, and alive until science finds a solution to aging and degeneration.

Our Goal Implications to You
By learning optimal health secrets and the pain relief lifestyle, including the Pain Relief Diet, you will obtain the tools to help yourself. By partnering with us you will obtain the help you need to help yourself gain a better, longer, more healthy life. You can take the first step today on the roadway to optimal health and wellness by getting your lifestyle measured.


Dr. Victor Jean Ouellette, DC, MS



Dr. Ouellette

 Dr. Ouellette's Anti-Inflammatory Pain Relief Diet


 Cheating on Dr. Ouellette's Anti-Inflammatory Pain Relief Diet


 Pain Relief Diet

Real world relief that you can unleash. The non-drug, non-artificial method of the FoodPain Connection. Learn the secrets.